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The purpose of CelesteTheTherapist is to help shift the way you think. Many times, we get stuck in a negative cycle and struggle with getting out. Celeste will interview guests from different backgrounds who empower people in different capacities.

Today we are joined by Bria Gadsden & Dr. Azumah cofounders of Love your menses This organization was founded in 2019 in response to the growing menstrual wellness needs of young people. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, they provide a platform for girls and young women of color to become more aware of their bodies and to embrace the transition period from pre-puberty into puberty. There goal is to create a safe and uplifting, and supportive space to dispel myths surrounding menstruation while empowering young people to love their menses.

Today you will learn:

How Bria had an idea to have an event called Love your menses to educate girls about their periods Dr. Azumah volunteered at Bria's first event and was inspired to partner with her to continue Bria's mission Learn about how Love Your menses became and non profit and currently helping girls and globally  The importance of teaching your children about puberty and their menstruation  Their Flow tech  4 girls program Their book, "Mya learn about her menstruation" to help you have the important conversation about your child's menses.

To learn more and donate to this amazing organization, please visit their website www.Loveyourmenses.comFollow them on social media:

Instagram, @loveyourmenses Facebook @LoveYourMenses  Twitter @LoveYourMenses


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