Hut, hut, hike! Steven & Lily sneak into the locker room with TV actress/marriage therapist/friend of Steven’s cousin Rosa Blasi and her outrageous 2011 memoir “Jock Itch: The Misadventures of a Retired Jersey Chaser,” which is literally about her being horny for professional athletes. From her scientific dick size metaphors (baseball bat, old croissant), to her iconic list of the best locations to meet football players, skiing in Big Bear with her gays to playing a stripper with eczema, this is a salacious hail mary pass right to the endzone. Touchdown, ladies!


Plus! In the VIP Lounge—Netflix’s new bisexual Christmas-themed dating show, Lily’s lonely lesbian chilldhod sports career, and Steven gets a truly harrowing massage in Mexico.


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