Previous Episode: Abiding in Jesus (Lent #4)

Life in the Vine: Words of Jesus
Matthew 18

Our calling as disciples is to reckon this "kingdom" into our lives, our community, by living this way through the power of God's Spirit.

1. Social rank radically flipped. (verses 1-6)
2. Radical precautions to avoid causing little ones to stum-ble. (vs. 7-11)
3. Support the little ones instead of exploit. (vs. 6, 10, 14)
4. Restore those who go astray. (vs. 12-14, 15-17)
5. Forgive radically. (vs. 21-35)
*Stanley Saunders, Associate Professor of New Testament Columbia Theological Seminary

Our calling at Cedar Hills: LOVE * BELONG * SERVE


2 Corinthians 5:18-21

Next Steps:
"May we go as ambassadors for Christ, sharing God’s radical for-giveness and reconciliation with everyone. May we be known as a church that embodies these truths, because we abide in God. May
Hospitality, Authenticity, Forgiveness, and reconciliation guide our com-munity and all our relationships."

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