Leah Carolan

THEME – The Father is glorified by much fruit.

TEXT – John 15:1-8


Jesus was a not a 'super-human' but was fully human walking in the power of the Holy Spirit during His time on earth, and we are empowered by that same Holy Spirit to do the things Jesus did.

Three Types of Fruit in the Bible

Character Fruit – Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23)Conduct Fruit – Fruit of Righteousness (Philippians 1:11)Convert Fruit – Making new disciples (Romans 7:4-5)

The Story of the Vineyard (John 15:1-8)

Jesus is the vine.God the Father is the gardener.Grapes are a symbol of blessing/abiding.

Four Levels of Fruit Bearing from John 15

No Fruit.FruitMore FruitMuch Fruit

How to move from…

No fruit to fruit: Address Sin. (John 15:2a)Fruit to more fruit: Accept Pruning. (John 15:2b)More fruit to much fruit: Abide in Jesus. (John 15:5)

Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-20)

A talent is 1.4 million dollars.Jesus is the master. We are the investment.The Kingdom of God is a sure investment! Don’t bury His investment in you.


Confess sin.Accept the pruning.Choose to abide solely in Jesus.Follow the Holy Spirit.