The Out of Rhythm Life: Fasting

Pastor Leah Carolan

THEME – Fasting is a powerful prayer we can use to realign our lives when we get out of rhythm.

TEXT – 2 Chronicles 20:12

Fasting in the Bible is:

1. A regular scheduled spiritual practice

2. For mourning, to show grief or great distress

3. A sign of repentance

4. To prepare for ministry

5. To seek divine deliverance

Reasons We Don’t Fast

1. Fear

2. Ignorance

3. Rebellion

Reasons We Should Fast

1. Restore that ‘first love’ for the Lord.

2. Reveal our spiritual condition.

3. Revival/Breakthrough


1. Try a one meal fast.

2. Try a one day fast.

3. Try a longer fast – maybe along the lines of a Daniel Fast!