The Lord’s Prayer: Lord, Teach Us to Pray

Steve Poole

THEME - What does God want to do in my life in 2023?

TEXT – Luke 11:1-4


What would you like God to do in your life this year?

What does God want to do in your life in 2023?

1. Lord, Teach Us to Pray

* Luke 11:1-4

2. “Opening Windows to God.” ~Frank Laubach

* 1 Timothy 2:1

* James 5:13-18

3. Lord, Teach Us to Pray…

* …more expectantly

* …more for the sick

* …more for our lost loved ones

* …more for deliverance from our vices

* …more for our leaders

* …more for the lost, dark, hopeless world and people


1. Pray “Lord, teach me to pray.” Every day this week.

2. Make a plan to “open windows to God” at least once every hour this week.

3. Pray every day.

4. Intercession. Thanksgiving (SIT)

5. Start a prayer journal - write down your prayers