Bible Recap: Gospel - the Jesus Story. – Pastor Kent Landhuis
THEME - The Gospels announce the good news that Jesus is the Savior.
TEXT - Mark 1:1-11

* Recap: The Bible tells one story through five key literary types.
* Narrative - History.
* Poetry - Passion.
* Prophecy - Warning and Encouragement.
* Gospel - Jesus.
Epistles - ?

1. Eyewitness testimony about the one.
* Matthew, Mark, Luke and John - John 1 & Luke 4.
* John the Baptist - John 1:29-30.
* Peter - Matthew 16:13-17
* The Centurion - Matthew 27:50-54

2. Miraculous signs of the one.
* Signs and belief - John 20:29-31
* Healing the man born blind - John 9
* Blindness and the one - Isaiah 35 & 42.

3. True faith and the one.
* Is Jesus the one? Matthew 11:3-5
* Who do you say Jesus is?

1. Answer the question: Is Jesus the one?
2. Dig deeper at
3. Tell the gospel story: Tell the story of Jesus.