2022-07-03-0830 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this morning, July 3, 2022 in the 08:30 AM service.

Scripture: 1st Thessalonians 3; Colossians 1:16-17; Hebrews 12; Romans 11:33-36

-This world is moving closer to self-destruction.
-What is happening is an appointment.
-We are supposed to be rejoicing not being afraid.
-Satan is stronger than we are.
-He knows how to deceive.
-Don’t be tricked by Satan.
-There is never a time in the Bible where the believer can be proud of anything.
-A true Christian is proud of nothing but thankful for everything.
-He that glories let Him glory in the Lord.
-If you know Jesus you ought to be thankful.