2021-03-21-0830 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this morning, March 21, 2021 in the 8:30 AM service.

Scripture: John 12:21-32; 2nd Peter 3:4-14; Romans 11

-Man is a fallen creature and only God can fix it.
-The Holy one from heaven came to seek and save those that were lost.
-He came because He loves us.
-The ruler of the world will be cast out.
-The devil is a defeated foe.
-The devil cannot make you do anything; it is your choice.
-It is a promise that Jesus will come again.
-Our powerful loving Father is waiting on sinners to come to Him.
-God does not have a watch; He has a purpose.
-God is long-suffering and He is not willing that any should perish.
-Thank you, Lord, for your patience and mercy.