2007-02-11-0830 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this morning February 11th, 2007 in the 8:30 service.

Scripture Ref: II Corinthians 5:14-2

Topic: Equality

- Great revival happening all over the world, media blind to the truth
- When we're saved our thinking must change to see by the spirit
- We think politically, racially, nationalistically, religiously
- People are doing God's work in very different ways than we are
- It is not docrine/dogma that draws people, but the love of God
- War, immigration, Anna Nicole Smith
- Everyone goes through stormy times, it's all relative
- The issue is sin, not politics, government, money, race…
- Sin is self-centeredness
- Sea of Galilee (water flows out) vs. Dead Sea (no flow out); God gives to us, we must give to others