2007-02-04-0830 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this morning February 4th, 2007 in the 8:30 service.

Scripture Ref: Matt. 27:45-46; Isaiah 45:7; I Kings 8:12; Psalms 139:11-12; Luke 23:26

Topic: Darkness

- When Jesus was crucified there was 3 hours of total darkness
- Passover, people didn't see that Jesus was the lamb offered
- Both thieves railing at Jesus, darkness touched one
- God speaks in the darkness, gets your attention
- God spoke to Jonah in the darkness of the whale's belly
- Saul, Pharaoh's butler
- A candle looks brightest in total darkness
- Darkness is meant to reveal Him, not destroy you
- He does everything of His own will
- Simon carried Jesus’ cross; sometimes we must carry other's burdens