2007-01-17-1900 Jim Busker is the speaker for Central on Wednesday evening January 17th, 2006.

Scripture Ref: Hebrews 12:1-3; Hebrews 10:15-17; 2 Peter 1:5-13

Topic: Reconcilliation

- The kingdom of God is at hand; lay aside sin, the weight of sins already forgiven
- A beaver builds a damn one stick at a time; devil brings up past sins, issues one at a time
- Dentist prods until he finds cavity; Satan finds weakness, builds on it; bad spots must be dealt with before they worsen
- Grandma lost short term memory; some things we need to forget… if God is willing to forget our sins, so should we
- The exodus; God destroyed Egypt one plague at a time; soon people began complaining, had forgotten what God brought them out of
- We scuba dive for sins Christ forgave; we like to remember the good old days; count them ALL as rubbish; God will free you of memory
- If it does not glorify God to pursue a thought, take it captive