2007-01-07-1830 Pastor Loran Livingston talks this evening January  7th,
2007 in the 6:30 service about the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Scripture Ref: Ephesians 6:10-20; Romans 8:26

Topic: Holy Spirit


- People look for "activity," tongues, prophecy, etc. rather than relationship. Pentecostal experience becomes destination, "faith level"
- Prayer becomes a task
- Working on motorcycle, dropped screw, sought but did not find
- Women seek husbands, etc.  don’t go looking, just stay ready
- Knowledge/scripture useless without prayer life
- Pray for one another, pray in the Spirit
- After you’ve prayed in the spirit, speak boldly the truth
- Tongues were not given to preach the gospel
- You can't teach people to pray in Spirit, as the spirit gives utterance
- When we are weak, the spirit prays through groanings
- You don't have the right to command angels (female preacher told angel to find her ring). God rejects the proud.
- God is not looking for spiritual giants, but obedient children