2006-05-14-1030 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this morning May 14, 2006
in the 10:30 service.

Scripture Ref: Hebrews 12:18-24

Topic: Joy

- We're no longer under judgement, should be secure, victorious, joyous
- Our joy is in Jesus, let's us live as over comers
- Enjoy: prefix en means to put on or get into, to make (encourage-to put courage into, enforce-to put force or authority to)
- Church staff, elders, choir can begin to dread church as a job; Church should be free, exciting
- When church becomes obligation, it becomes religion
- It is sometimes hard to be a Christian, just want to do other things (golf, fish). Used to feel guilty, couldn't cultivate 24 hr/day prayer life
- We are to serve with gladness, enjoy all things, be balanced
- God isn't trying to get us to do something for Him, but to enjoy what He has done for us.
- We shouldn't feel guilty when we don't come to church; condemnation is not the spirit of Jesus
- Referenced sermon on boats: Your Christian walk can be related to one of three kinds of boats: speed boat, row boat, sailboat.