2006-05-10-1900 David Niemeyer is the speaker for Wednesday evening May 10th, 2006.

Scripture ref: II Tim. 3:16-17; Neh. 6:1-9; Luke 5; Ex. 15:22

Topic: Scripture

- Definition: fundamentalist
- All scripture God breathed, must read to develop relationship
- Breathe in (read scripture), breathe out (prayer)
- Scripture for doctrine, conviction, correction, instruction, comfort
- Word will speak to you individually
- Feeding of 5000: fish (protein for strength), bread (carb for endurance)
- Daniel in Lion's Den, painting he's looking out window at light (keeps his eyes on God when lion's roaring)
- Fiery furnace, crippled man lowered through roof to Jesus
- Fishermen-we get tangled in our nets. He gives us opportunity to get into the boat, we need be obedient to go out in boat