2006-04-16-1030 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this morning April 16, 2006
in the 10:30 service.

Scripture Ref: Luke 24:1-8

Topic: Resurrection

- Many religions believe that Jesus was a prophet
- Some see crucifixion as a sign of weakness, but Jesus was resurrected in power that we might also live; proven Son of God
- Preaching today about here and now, like we’re planning to stay; we should be preparing to leave
- Born again spirit-filled Jews are now preaching the gospel on TV.
- Because He is alive, nothing we do for Him is in vain
- Engine scenario-pistons move up and down, as Christians are sometimes up and sometimes down
- Fungus covered cross
- Our problems with God are because our unfaithfulness, not His
- What was ugly is now beautiful, was dead is alive
- #1 best selling Christian author and pastor on resurrection Sunday preached that resurrection means you can live the life you always wanted to live