2006-04-02-1030 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this morning April 2, 2006
in the 10:30 service.

Scripture Ref: Exodus 33:14-15; Genesis 3, 4:16; Psalm 84:10-12

Topic: Relationship with God

- Flashlight on screen to represent presence of God
- Cain left presence of God, went to land of Nod
- In His presence we have: awareness, assurance that God is at work, joy, rest. We're forgiving, tolerant, ours sins under the blood
- When in Nod, we are confused, wandering
- Moses desired God's presence, not the land
- Paul and Silas in prison were in presence of God; Stephen when stoned
- David-"rather a doorkeeper in house of God than to dwell in the tents of wickedness"
- Until I die, I will disappoint God, myself, family; accept mortality