Today’s episode is brought to you by Missing Mike Productions.

Mike is out today, but Jamie, Cera, and Kevin dive into the new sermon series in the book of Nehemiah.

Nehemiah’s story is about so much more than just rebuilding a wall. In his opening message of the series, Kevin highlighted the risks Nehemiah would take as he responded to the critical needs of people he’d never met, in a place he’d never visited, and whose suffering was due to circumstances he didn’t cause. And yet, Nehemiah felt a profound sense of compassion, concern, and personal responsibility to help.

Jamie, Cera, and Kevin break down the qualities present in Nehemiah, and why those qualities are needed at a time when virtue-signaling and comfortable compartmentalization are valued over faithful risk and personal responsibility.

Remember to send us your comments or recordings to help us celebrate episode 100!

We’d love to hear from you! Send us questions /comments at [email protected], or on our Instagram or Facebook pages.

Have an awesome week!