Welcome to the Afterparty! In this episode, Jamie, Mike, and Kevin talk about the importance of honesty in evaluating our motives for serving God and others. Why do some of us hide our selfish motives behind our faith and rather than dealing with them effectively, we just call them “struggles?” What are the results of not assessing unhealthy motives, unresolved personal issues, and unrealistic expectations? And why is it wrong to serve with a need to be needed?

Also, the gang discusses how important it is to honestly evaluate our skills and deficiencies in serving. Has God really called you to something you’re not good at? Why is mediocrity so often practiced and even defended by Christians, churches, and other organizations? How do you help someone improve?

But first, Jamie, Mike, and Kevin lament the painful parts of getting older, how the recent supermoon is causing insomnia, and why Mike dislikes female superheroes.