Hi, and an extremely good 2021 to all of you.

We start off this brand new year talking about some totally unrelated and slightly more related new year's resolutions,
a miniscule car fix, and glueing with a 3D printing pen. All in not much more detail than stated here.

Continuing on last episode's VGA generator board, I added a DMX512 interface as suggested by some people - thank you for
the idea. I found Q Light Controller Plus (qlcplus) a nice and so far solid piece of software for controlling DMX devices
from a laptop + USB/RS485 converter cable.

A potential issue (or at least in my head) when making interlinked devices like these, is potentially different ground-potentials
depending on which power outlets you use to power networked your device. (See what I did there?) We talk a bit about how to guesstimate
the possible magnitude of this difference.

Just for fun I made an xmas LED star-shaped decoration using an existing DIY LED driver board. Reuse everything, recycle success.
Also, made a modular transparant acrylic home LED decoration: shine light into the edge of an engraved piece of acrylic. Of course
there was failure, this time in the form of hygroscopic LEDs + laziness + oven = damage.

Finally, I made a small power switch PCB, to be placed in between USB power source and USB device: automatically switch the device off
when the environment goes dark.

And remember: if YOU want to make this podcast suck less, please send comments, rants, complaints, threats and/or praise. :-)


Relevant links:

Generic info on stray garbage and some cleanup initiatives (or Dutch version). Q Light Controller Plus : software for controlling DMX512 devices. The USB-to-RS485 cable I happen to use: USB-RS485-WE. Video of DMX512 VGA generator in action Tweet (*sigh*...) of star-shaped LED xmas decoration. Another tweet (*groan*...) of engraved acrylic LED decoration. 


Pics of things talked about:


DMX512 VGA generator boards.


Engraved acrylic LED decoration PCB in action.


...in its base, open...


...and closed up.


LDR USB power switch board...


...and schematic.

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