Scripture Is The Foundation For Everything
Now we cover the apologetic questions that Reformed apologetics (presuppositionalism) would answer. Here we look at what presuppositionalists say about Scripture and religious pluralism. To Reformed apologists, Scripture is the foundation for everything. So, of course, we don't make it too far through all six questions.
00:00 - Introduction
02:09 - Take Every Thought Captive - Science, Logic, And Ethics
06:46 - The Gospel Is Offensive, You Don't Have To Be Offending
08:58 - Scripture Is Foundational In Reformed Apologetics
11:21 - Clark's Axion Of Scripture
13:08 - Van Til's Transcendental Use Of Scripture
16:24 - Plantinga's Self-Authentication Of Scriptural Foundation
17:24 - Antithesis Between Christian & Non-Christian Religions
21:23 - Religious Pluralism Is Self-Defeating
26:49 - Plantinga's Critique Of Religious Pluralism
29:44 - Van Til's Response To Religious Pluralism
32:31 - Summary Of Religious Pluralism To The Reformed Apologist
33:34 - Conclusion


Faith Has Its Reasons By Kenneth Boa & Robert M. Bowman Jr.


Scripture Is The Foundation For Everything

Now we cover the apologetic questions that Reformed apologetics (presuppositionalism) would answer. Here we look at what presuppositionalists say about Scripture and religious pluralism. To Reformed apologists, Scripture is the foundation for everything. So, of course, we don’t make it too far through all six questions.


00:00 – Introduction

02:09 – Take Every Thought Captive – Science, Logic, And Ethics

06:46 – The Gospel Is Offensive, You Don’t Have To Be Offending

08:58 – Scripture Is Foundational In Reformed Apologetics

11:21 – Clark’s Axion Of Scripture

13:08 – Van Til’s Transcendental Use Of Scripture

16:24 – Plantinga’s Self-Authentication Of Scriptural Foundation

17:24 – Antithesis Between Christian & Non-Christian Religions

21:23 – Religious Pluralism Is Self-Defeating

26:49 – Plantinga’s Critique Of Religious Pluralism

29:44 – Van Til’s Response To Religious Pluralism

32:31 – Summary Of Religious Pluralism To The Reformed Apologist

33:34 – Conclusion


Faith Has Its Reasons By Kenneth Boa & Robert M. Bowman Jr.


