Resurrection Proofs
The ultimate moment in history for Christians is the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. If Christianity is true, this event is the most important event for every person who lived, living, or will ever live. Where do Resurrection proofs fit in the Christian worldview then?

Through the anticipation of Old Testament prophecy, the testimony of friends and foes that would become followers, and the actions of Jesus Himself we have a great confidence that the Resurrection took place just as The Bible describes it.

While not an exhaustive list of reasons, this does highlight some of the areas we can look at to show that Jesus was God and that when He died He rose again in fulfillment of the Scriptures for the payment of the sins of those who believe in Him.
Timeline Breakdown:
00:00 - Introduction
02:07 - The Afterlife In The Christian Worldview
04:35 - Why Christians Believe Jesus Rose From The Dead
06:26 - The Impossibilities Of Miracles
08:27 - Why Miracles Are Not Impossible
11:03 - Miracles Do Not Conflict With Science
15:24 - Probability Of Miracles
18:47 - Confidence Of Testimony
19:42 - An Event Not Plucked Out Of Nowhere
22:27 - Prophecies As Evidence
22:34 - Psalm 16:10
23:17 - Jesus' Reputation & Prophecies
25:32 - Events Post-Jesus' Death
26:31 - James, Jesus' Half Brother
27:08 - Paul, The Persecutor
28:15 - The Multitude Of Witnesses
29:57 - Jesus' Actions Point To His Foreknowledge Of His Upcoming Resurrection
33:53 - Conclusion

The episode link is
14:51 - J. Warner Wallace On The Supernatural

Books mentioned in this episode:

Why Should I Believe Christianity? by James Anderson

Kindle -

Paperback -



Miracles by C.S. Lewis

Kindle -

Paperback -

Audible -



Collision - Christopher Hitchens vs. Douglas Wilson

Movie -

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Resurrection Proofs

The ultimate moment in history for Christians is the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. If Christianity is true, this event is the most important event for every person who lived, living, or will ever live. Where do Resurrection proofs fit in the Christian worldview then?

Through the anticipation of Old Testament prophecy, the testimony of friends and foes that would become followers, and the actions of Jesus Himself we have a great confidence that the Resurrection took place just as The Bible describes it.

While not an exhaustive list of reasons, this does highlight some of the areas we can look at to show that Jesus was God and that when He died He rose again in fulfillment of the Scriptures for the payment of the sins of those who believe in Him.

Timeline Breakdown:

00:00 – Introduction

02:07 – The Afterlife In The Christian Worldview

04:35 – Why Christians Believe Jesus Rose From The Dead

06:26 – The Impossibilities Of Miracles

08:27 – Why Miracles Are Not Impossible

11:03 – Miracles Do Not Conflict With Science

15:24 – Probability Of Miracles

18:47 – Confidence Of Testimony

19:42 – An Event Not Plucked Out Of Nowhere

22:27 – Prophecies As Evidence

22:34 – Psalm 16:10

23:17 – Jesus’ Reputation & Prophecies

25:32 – Events Post-Jesus’ Death

26:31 – James, Jesus’ Half Brother

27:08 – Paul, The Persecutor

28:15 – The Multitude Of Witnesses

29:57 – Jesus’ Actions Point To His Foreknowledge Of His Upcoming Resurrection

33:53 – Conclusion

The episode link is


14:51 – J. Warner Wallace On The Supernatural

Books mentioned in this episode:

Why Should I Believe Christianity? by James Anderson

Kindle –

Paperback –



Miracles by C.S. Lewis

Kindle –

Paperback –

Audible –



Collision – Christopher Hitchens vs. Douglas Wilson

Movie –

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