Today's episode is of Chapter 4 of  "How To Be An Atheist" by Mitch Stokes (Amazon Link -

We look at the road Hume took with his skepticism as it applies to science. Hume end shows that there is no non-circular argument for the reliability of science and fails to answer the question of "why does something happen?"

A Humean approach to science, which modern atheists trace back their skepticism back to, fails to allow a consistent view of science they claim to uphold upon everything else as a source of knowledge. In the end, science is distorted to religious worship & the new skeptic has become the new priest.

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Today’s episode is of Chapter 4 of  “How To Be An Atheist” by Mitch Stokes (Amazon Link –

We look at the road Hume took with his skepticism as it applies to science. Hume end shows that there is no non-circular argument for the reliability of science and fails to answer the question of “why does something happen?”

A Humean approach to science, which modern atheists trace back their skepticism back to, fails to allow a consistent view of science they claim to uphold upon everything else as a source of knowledge. In the end, science is distorted to religious worship & the new skeptic has become the new priest.

The episode link is

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