Can God do anything? (Q305)
Is God the author of confusion? (Q308)
How did David kill Goliath? (Q309)
Did Adam die on the day he ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil? (Q312)
Does God desire animal sacrifices? (Q316)

Patrick and Tony cover the second part Chapter 7 of Dr. Jason Lisle's book, Keeping Faith in the Age of Reason (Amazon Link -

This chapter deals with supposed opposite yes or no answers The Bible presents. However, we will see that contradictions do not abound.

This episode is the second part of Chapter 7 of Dr. Jason Lisle’s book, Keeping Faith in the Age of Reason (Amazon Link –

This chapter deals with supposed opposite yes or no answers The Bible presents. However, we will see that contradictions do not abound.

Can God do anything? (Q305)

Genesis 18:14
Job 42:1-2
Judges 1:19
Mark 6:5
Hebrews 6:18

Is God the author of confusion? (Q308)

1 Corinthians 1:27
1 Corinthians 14:33

How did David kill Goliath? (Q309)

1 Samuel 17:49-51

Did Adam die on the day he ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil? (Q312)

Genesis 2:17

Does God desire animal sacrifices? (Q316)

Psalm 40:6
Isaiah 1:11
Matthew 9:13

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