First lets get down to Business * Disney's Mulan Theme song plays in the Background*

I would like to thank my Sponsors for believing in the cause and encouraging me to do this amazing thing I'm doing here. If you want to support the show there is a link at the very bottom of this horrible bio! Cheers 

Thank you Braus check out their amazing gear that would look better on you then on your opponent anyway so why wouldn't you get it ? They are Sponsoring ADCC!!!  A D FUCKING CC !! you guys are doing awesome and i wish you take over the world eventually. -

Thank you APEX just awesome wholesome people that would never use slave labour or ilicite means to get great products at amazing prices right to you. Oh no there is no way they would ever do that. I mean all the orphans that have worked on making their products have opnely volunteerd to do so and have willingly agreed to shed their tears on every line of fabric so that you can have magical powers in fighting. Time will literaly stand still for a moment once you use their products thats how good it is.

Now to the Juicy Part

I speak today to Wim Deputter. Not only is he an example to me of dedication, oh no  he is also a living example walking the path, the "do" if you will, of Martial artists just by the way he lives. From his simple answer on how he got into BJJ to insights on how his life has taken a turn during corona and his view on certain aspects pertaining to grappling and the community. All of it to me is valuable wisdom and i am happy to have talked to him and sad that i wasn't quick enough to setup my recording gadgets to record everything this man said.   

I dont want to give too much away on in the description so i wont. Ill leave you with this , listen and enjoy. There is alot to learn from this man and his mind is truly something awesome to behold.

You can find more about Wim on his Social Media. He also has a bunch off  BJJ FANATICS DVD that you can all find in the links below. 

Big OSS to all you guys and I wish you all the best of the best.

love you all

Julio Vinke.


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BJJ Fanatics -

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