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Who in their right mind goes to Brasil ( correct spelling ) lives in a favela, trains jiujitsu all day ?

Ill tell you who right now. Clifford Edwards. I found his bio on his website and nothing i write down will do justice to the way this man presents himself, check it. 

My name is Clifford Edwards. I am a Black belt BJJ under Augusto Ferrari. I have been training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for 15 years. I have trained and travelled all over the world. Learning, training and studying with the Greats. Such as Cicero Costa, Mauricio Cristo, Tiago Barros, The Miyao Brothers and many more. From Brazil, Switzerland, to all the way in The United Emirates and now based in The Netherlands. I’ve come a long way and am very excited to share my knowledge with the world!

Listen I have a bunch of amazing podcasts sessions where I have deep conversations about people and the lives they live.

But this one i connected with, like a fat kid with cake. What an amazing life journey Clifford has had and im so happy i can share his journey with you right now.

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