YOYOYO New year new podcast ambitions and this year we are starting up things the right way ! From Monkeys ripping off dicks to beggars shuffles, to turtle positions, swords and shields. Raoul has answers to questions you didn't even know you had.

Raoul a brown belt under the mad scientist Priit Mikhelson  has started up his own gym, tribe grappling, in Almere and is also one of the head coaches in 10thplanet Amsterdam. He has two Instructional DVDs out right now that you can find in the links below and they are awesome sauce game changers . Lately he has been doing the rounds on your favorite social media platform because he just started pulling turtle guard on innocent , unsuspecting victims in a grappling tournament ( video is linked on his Instagram and frankly almost everywhere go look at it cause its the most entertaining shit I have seen in a while).
As usual I had a blast speaking to him and if it where up to me we would still be going. Its just always inspiring to talk to somebody that loves martial arts and is evolving the game like he is. I hope you guys enjoy listening to this as much as I have enjoyed making this together with our awesome guest and Ondrej the unsung hero and driving force behind cauliflower.

Stay blessed you animals ! I love you all.




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