Here is the continuation and conclusion of our interview with Circassian cultural champion, YouTube creator, and founder of ELAJ skincare products, Suhein Beck. ——————-Once in a while, you run across a true cultural champion. For the Circassian nation, today’s interview guest Suhein Beck is such a champion. Her nearly nomadic upbringing has produced in her …

Here is the continuation and conclusion of our interview with Circassian cultural champion, YouTube creator, and founder of ELAJ skincare products, Suhein Beck.

Once in a while, you run across a true cultural champion. For the Circassian nation, today’s interview guest Suhein Beck is such a champion. Her nearly nomadic upbringing has produced in her an eclectic range of interests. From media production to skin care products, Beck brings her past to bear on the present remixing with current trends to share her passion with others.

Links for Episode 75

Suhein Beck’s YouTube Page
Suhein Interviews Her Mother about Challenges of Settling in the USA
ELAJ Skincare Products

Special Music Credit

“115 Cavalry Division (feat. Thashloko)” by Haguaj
Hagauj on Instagram
Hagauj on Bandcamp