_ "exploring how creatives craft a beautiful life with their passion and purpose from the inside-out and how they multiply it for others in the world" _

Hello my beautiful friends and CATWLK SOULTLK community!

Enjoy the show! Each episode is about sharing some light, some inspiration - the story and voice of a creative fellow human. Be inspired!                                                                                 

If you’d like to connect, follow us on Instagram:                             

Happy to hear your feedback and questions.

And if you like - please subscribe, leave a 5-star rating and a review. And do share some creative sparks - a good 'n' beautiful story - with with your friends and communities. You can listen to the conversations with my wonderful CATWLK SOULTLK guests on Apple podcast, Spotify, Stitcher.

THANK YOU for listening to the show dear friend!

Cheers, Sophia