In this episode, we explore the challenging and rewarding journey of Kevin Reardon, a seasoned financial advisor who started his career in 1992. Through the highs and lows of his career, Kevin opens up about the hardships he faced during the early 2000s and how having faith, persevering through difficulties, and focusing on service can help navigate life's ups and downs in a spiritually fulfilling way. Challenges are opportunities to grow closer to God. Tune in to this enlightening episode as Kevin shares his inspiring journey of resilience and faith against all odds. 

What You’ll Learn:

Kevin's early career, leaving a firm due to conflicts of values, and the initial successes of his independent firm, Shakespeare Wealth ManagementKevin describes the tech bubble burst, causing his business to drop to $8 million in assets under managementKevin shares about his personal and business financial obligations and struggles during the downturnThe tough decisions Kevin had to make to keep his business afloat, including letting go of his administrative assistant and circulating his resume as a backup planThe vital role Kevin's Catholic faith played in helping him navigate through his trials, emphasizing on concepts like persistence, deferred gratification, and trusting in God's planKevin talks about considering other career options as a backup planKevin shares how he kept moving forward during the low point  The transformation Kevin underwent post his financial crisis, learning valuable lessons on humility, money and successKevin's focus shifts to serving others and giving back, becoming actively involved in Catholic charities and service opportunities, and committing to saying yes to helping others

More of Kevin:

Shakespeare Wealth Management:

More of Catholic Money Mastermind:

Catholic Money Mastermind Podcast is a personal podcast meant for educational and entertainment. It should not be taken as financial advice, and is not prescriptive of your financial situation.

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