Danielle Bean and Lisa Hendey discuss their plans for having an "offline" summer, reading more books and connecting with friends, family, and the outdoors more.

What are your plans for this summer? How are your going to make sure you and your family enjoy this short season to the fullest?

Here is the list of classic books Lisa mentioned, that she got from author A.J. Cattapan:

Please join us for this fun, encouraging conversation!

We also hope you will consider attending, in person or online, the Fr. Patrick Peyton Family Mass and Blessing at Holy Cross Family Ministries. Danielle will be at the Mass, praying for our CatholicMom community!

Share your thoughts, ideas, and experiences! We love to hear from you with feedback, questions & ideas for future podcast topics. Email us at [email protected] or send us a voicemail or connect on social media!

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