Heidi Hess Saxton and Maria Morera Johnson welcome CatholicMom.com founder, Lisa Hendey, for an engaging conversation on praying through the season of Advent. We share our experiences trying to slow down and "do Advent right" but we realize the idyllic and the reality are rarely the same. Lisa gives the best advice: be you.

You can also read about Janky Advent in Fat Luther, Slim Pickin’s: A Black Catholic Celebration of Faith, Tradition, and Diversity by Marcia Lane-McGee and Shannon Wimp Schmidt.

Pray with us as Lisa leads us in a prayer from O Radiant Dawn. God bless you as we enter this beautiful season of Advent. 

Links in this Episode: LisaHendey.com O Radiant Dawn: 5-Minute Prayers Around the Advent Wreath