Lisa Hendey and Allison Gingras welcome the cast of Catholic Central, Nicholas Vicinanzo and Gabby Estey, in a fun Momcast episode from the floor of the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress.

Nick Vicinanzo, a New Hampshire native, attended Franciscan University of Steubenville. He has acted professionally in New York and Rhode Island and is a cradle Catholic from a large family of ten boys and two girls. 

Originally from Sacramento, CA, Gabby Estey ended up in LA to attend the University of Southern California and has been in town ever since. When she’s not hosting Catholic Central, you can find her planning her next international trip or trying a new restaurant. She is still on a mission to discover the best cupcake in Los Angeles and will happily take recommendations. 

Show Note Links:   Catholic Central | EnterForming* Insights on All Things Catholic