Allison Gingras and Danielle Bean discuss changes in our summer plans and activities during this season when many of our regular camps, sports, and other events are cancelled. How are you enjoying an old-fashioned summer? In what ways are you and your family making the most of the season, despite the disappointment of things being different this year?

Many of us are also looking for ways to eep our families active during the summer months and not just plugged into television and video games. Allison shares some ways she is doing that and how she has been finding personal success in fitness using the Noom app. 

Danielle shares some ideas for structuring daily routines and assigning chores during the summer season as well.

We would love to hear from you! How are you and your family doing this summer? What goals do you have and how are you and your kids managing in the face of changes and cancellations? Email us at [email protected] or connect with us on social media and let us know!