Today on Legalese, we continue my ongoing series "Ignorance of the Law" where I expose the fact that while politicians and police are often quick to tell people ignorance of the law is not an excuse for breaking the law, it's often an excuse for making and enforcing the law.

We discuss the North Hampton, New Hampshire police department, where several officers and the police chief beclowned themselves following an especially absurd arrest.

But this incident is only the latest in a disturbing trend of North Hampton police officers overstepping their prerogative to the extreme.

In October of 2022, a medical emergency led to an auto accident that ended on the front lawn of North Hampton resident Colleen Loud, 67, who had been in her home watching a baseball game. Ms. Loud did not know the driver, had nothing to do with the accident that occurred; and in fact, had not even been aware the accident had occurred until police officers arriving on the scene would question her about the incident.

During this encounter, North Hampton police followed the standard protocol of turning an innocent witness into a victim of the officer’s own making. What followed was a series of events leading to the eventual arrest of Ms. Loud on such a mind-bogglingly absurd basis, its hard to believe this was a real news story and not a satirical take on modern policing you might find in The Onion or The Babylon Bee.

Unfortunately for Colleen Loud, it was all too real and she was the victim of what I believe is the dumbest arrest ever made.

Original Source:
"North Hampton Chief Leaves After Investigation Into Questionable Arrest"
By: Damien Fisher
Published by: NHJournal


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