Dr Danny Penman is a  meditation teacher and award-winning writer and journalist. He currently writes features for the UK Daily Mail, having previously worked for the BBC, New Scientist and the Independent newspaper. He is co-author of the international bestseller Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Finding Peace in a Frantic World.  I talk to Danny about 

The paragliding accident that caused him to turn to meditation Why people come to mindfulness from a place of desperation Can meditation be abused for competitive advantage? Is McMindfulness harmful to mindfulness?  How meditation has been around for thousands of years in different cultures If there are any other ways to receive the benefits of meditation How meditation gives us a “direct route” to our inner selves The way that he defines the difference in meditation and mindfulness How his latest book, The Art of Breathing, came from his own frustration about global adoption of mindfulness and how he made the book digestible for anyone who wants a thorough, quick introduction to mindfulness How he uses his PhD in Biochemistry to approach mindfulness 3 things you can do to change your life How seemingly random things in our lives are actually meaningful


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