Previous Episode: We Become the Bad Guy

New Year’s Themes
1. For myself
2. For my co-host
3. For the Church
4. For Some Public Person
5. For the Podcast
To be a Servant of All, where there is no lower place left to fall.
DONE. I need to not just start shit, but end it. New things are too tempting.
Bilocation. Put all your effort into things.
Retreat. Carve out more time for your spiritual walk to rejuvenate
The Rhythm Method. Grace and Nature in a marriage to be in rhythm together.
Let’s Get Physical. Discipleship cannot be institutional. It must be personal.
Taylor Swift on a Dating Fast. She needs a detox.
Vulnerability and Humility over Popularity.
Expansion! CF gets big...ger.

New Year’s Themes

For myself
For my co-host
For the Church
For Some Public Person
For the Podcast

To be a Servant of All, where there is no lower place left to fall.

DONE. I need to not just start shit, but end it. New things are too tempting.

Bilocation. Put all your effort into things.

Retreat. Carve out more time for your spiritual walk to rejuvenate

The Rhythm Method. Grace and Nature in a marriage to be in rhythm together.

Let’s Get Physical. Discipleship cannot be institutional. It must be personal.


Taylor Swift on a Dating Fast. She needs a detox.

Vulnerability and Humility over Popularity.

Expansion! CF gets big...ger.

Support Catching Foxes


Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un just stated that the “Nuclear Button is on his desk at all times.” Will someone from his depleted and food s…" — North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un just stated that the “Nuclear Button is on his desk at all times.” Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!The Dating Detox — my affiliate link to Lisa Cotter's Dating Detox book for Taylor Swift.

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