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We talk Pope Francis, poorly. Prophets make messes, but no one doubted that Jeremiah was a prophet and not a mess himself. We're not saying Pope Francis is teaching heresy or promoting immorality, but there sure is a lot of, PERHAPS, intended ambiguity. Why? No idea. Maybe to make it easier to lay the ground for further future nudges in one direction or another.
One thing we hate is the hyper-American-Politcalization of Pope Francis. We try our darnedest to get around it, or address it for what it is, but we can't help but remember JP2 more fondly.

Show Notes

We talk Pope Francis, poorly. Prophets make messes, but no one doubted that Jeremiah was a prophet and not a mess himself. We're not saying Pope Francis is teaching heresy or promoting immorality, but there sure is a lot of, PERHAPS, intended ambiguity. Why? No idea. Maybe to make it easier to lay the ground for further future nudges in one direction or another.

One thing we hate is the hyper-American-Politcalization of Pope Francis. We try our darnedest to get around it, or address it for what it is, but we can't help but remember JP2 more fondly.

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In Amoris Laetitia, who is admonishing whom? – Catholic World Report — The burden of the Pope’s final discussion on marital problems—such as divorce, living together, and unfaithfulness—is to picture the Church, not as a judge or bureaucratic organization, but as a compassionate mother willing to listen and to stay with someone through his trials. It would be difficult to know what else to call this section but an exercise in sophisticated casuistry. Every effort is made to excuse or understand how one who is in such a situation is not really responsible for it. There was ignorance, or passion, or confusion. We are admonished not to judge anyone. And we are to welcome anyone and make every effort to make him feel at home in Church and as a neighbor. Attention is paid to victims of divorce who are treated unfairly, and especially children. But the prime interest is in mercy and compassion. God already forgives everything and so should we. The intellectual precision that the Holy Father uses to excuse or lessen guilt is cause for some reflection. The law cannot change but the “gradual” leading up to understanding this failure to observe the law takes time and patience.

Fr. Thomas G. Weinandy explains his critical letter to Pope Francis – Catholic World Report — First, I decided to write Pope Francis a letter, which I intended then to publish unless he adequately addressed the issues I raised.  Almost two months after having received my letter, I did receive an acknowledgement from Vatican Secretariat of State informing me that the letter had been received.  This was simply an acknowledgement and not a response to my concerns.  Second, I find it significant that not only did the Lord fulfill my demand for a sign, but also did so in, what I believe, a very significant manner.  He accomplished it through an archbishop.  By utilizing an archbishop, I believe, that Jesus’ fulfillment of my request took on an apostolic mandate.U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops President on Dialogue Within the Church — "The departure today of Fr. Thomas Weinandy, O.F.M., Cap., as a consultant to the Committee on Doctrine and the publication of his letter to Pope Francis gives us an opportunity to reflect on the nature of dialogue within the Church.  Throughout the history of the Church, ministers, theologians and the laity all have debated and have held personal opinions on a variety of theological and pastoral issues. In more recent times, these debates have made their way into the popular press. That is to be expected and is often good.  However, these reports are often expressed in terms of opposition, as political – conservative vs. liberal, left vs. right, pre-Vatican II vs Vatican II.  These distinctions are not always very helpful.