10 Minute Topics! We call it 10-minute topics, but we rarely stay within the 10-minute limit. I start off talking about my beautiful daughter who has a huge anxiety issue at the age of 5 and how I have no idea how to deal with it. Second, we thank the XLT Atlanta folks for an amazing time. Then we talk about Catholic Schools and their struggle with discipleship, finances, and Catholic identity. Next, I bring up the topic of sex, especially how much work it is to do it right. Seriously, people, it is exhausting sometimes. We also bring up the shenanigans at UST, gay vs. Same-sex attraction labels, and more!

10 Minute Topics! We call it 10-minute topics, but we rarely stay within the 10-minute limit. I start off talking about my beautiful daughter who has a huge anxiety issue at the age of 5 and how I have no idea how to deal with it. Second, we thank the XLT Atlanta folks for an amazing time. Then we talk about Catholic Schools and their struggle with discipleship, finances, and Catholic identity. Next, I bring up the topic of sex, especially how much work it is to do it right. Seriously, people, it is exhausting sometimes. We also bring up the shenanigans at UST, gay vs. Same-sex attraction labels, and more!

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Catholic Education, John Paul Speaks, July 1998 — "THE GREATEST CHALLENGE"
The greatest challenge to Catholic education in the United States today...is to restore to that culture the conviction that human beings can grasp the truth of things, and in grasping that truth can know their duties to God, to themselves and their neighbors.

The mission of the Catholic school is the integral formation of students, so that they may be true to their condition as Christ's disciples and as such work effectively for the evangelization of culture and for the common good of society.

Catholic education aims not only to communicate facts but also to transmit a coherent, comprehensive vision of life, in the conviction that the truths contained in that vision liberate students in the most profound meaning of human freedom.Five Essential Marks of Catholic Schools — In a speech addressed to American Catholic educators in New Orleans, Pope John Paul II presented them with

the pressing challenge of clearly identifying the aims of Catholic education, and applying proper methods in Catholic elementary and secondary education. . . . It is the challenge of fully understanding the educational enterprise, of properly evaluating its content, and of transmitting the full truth concerning the human person, created in God's image and called to life in Christ through the Holy Spirit.Patreon: Support us monthly — Your support via Patreon makes sure Catching Foxes gets better and better.