Previous Episode: Origin Stories

Luke opens with a song. A terrible, terrible song.
Gomer goes through the September Challenge with interesting comments on food and diets from various folks.
Then Taylor Marshall (meow) comes up on the show, along with Fr. James Martin.
Here's the deal. After we did this show I was cleaning the playroom in my house while my wife and kids were at the YMCA. While doing mindless labor, I listened to Catholic Stuff You Should Know, "Drinks after Lord's Day", and realized that we kind of talk about the same thing- but one's from a priest perspective and the other is from our sad minds. I think you should listen to it after our show.

Luke opens with a song. A terrible, terrible song.

Gomer goes through the September Challenge with interesting comments on food and diets from various folks.

Then Taylor Marshall (meow) comes up on the show, along with Fr. James Martin.

Here's the deal. After we did this show I was cleaning the playroom in my house while my wife and kids were at the YMCA. While doing mindless labor, I listened to Catholic Stuff You Should Know, "Drinks after Lord's Day", and realized that we kind of talk about the same thing- but one's from a priest perspective and the other is from our sad minds. I think you should listen to it after our show.

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