Bishop Barron floated an idea out there: social media is the getting ugly and supposed Catholic Theological Experts are causing a lot the problem, so maybe the hierarchy should do something. But then I'm sitting here asking, "Who will enforce it? The USCCB? Seriously?"
Then we talk about how, outside of sporting events, there is no real public life, thus Virtual Reality is going to kill us all.

Bishop Barron floated an idea out there: social media is the getting ugly and supposed Catholic Theological Experts are causing a lot the problem, so maybe the hierarchy should do something. But then I'm sitting here asking, "Who will enforce it? The USCCB? Seriously?"

Then we talk about how, outside of sporting events, there is no real public life, thus Virtual Reality is going to kill us all.

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Super Bowl XXXV - Wikipedia — The show ended with all of the performers singing Aerosmith's "Walk This Way".2001 Super bowl Halftime Show: Britney, Aerosmith, NSYNC - YouTube — 2001 Super bowl Halftime Show: Britney, Aerosmith, NSYNC
Bishop Barron floats 'online mandatum' for Catholic teachers — “There are, to be blunt, a disconcerting number of such people on social media who are trading in hateful, divisive speech, often deeply at odds with the theology of the Church and who are, sadly, having a powerful impact on the people of God,” he said to the Register in a feature on social media that was published Jan. 24. 

Communio et Progressio (May 23, 1971) — 9. The media of social communication can contribute a great deal to human unity. If, however, men's minds and hearts are ill disposed, if good will is not there, this outpouring of technology may produce an opposite effect so that there is less understanding and more discord and, as a result, evils are multiplied. Too often, we have to watch social communications used to contradict or corrupt the fundamental values of human life. The Christian considers these evils evidence of man's need to be redeemed and freed from that sin which entered human history with man's first fall.14

Inter mirifica — The first question has to do with "information," as it is called, or the search for and reporting of the news. Now clearly this has become most useful and very often necessary for the progress of contemporary society and for achieving closer links among men. The prompt publication of affairs and events provides every individual with a fuller, continuing acquaintance with them, and thus all can contribute more effectively to the common good and more readily promote and advance the welfare of the entire civil society. Therefore, in society men have a right to information, in accord with the circumstances in each case, about matters concerning individuals or the community. The proper exercise of this right demands, however, that the news itself that is communicated should always be true and complete, within the bounds of justice and charity. In addition, the manner in which the news is communicated should be proper and decent. This means that in both the search for news and in reporting it, there must be full respect for the laws of morality and for the legitimate rights and dignity of the individual. For not all knowledge is helpful, but "it is charity that edifies."(1)