On this episode of the Catalyst Podcast, Brad Lomenick sits down with Jon Acuff for a conversation around how to hone in on your craft, tips for public speaking, and the power of humor. 



How to keep up with Jon:


Twitter + Instagram: @JonAcuff


Latest book: https://www.amazon.com/Finish-Give-Yourself-Gift-Done/dp/1591847621


Site: https://acuff.me/



You can join us at Catalyst Atlanta 2019 for a 10% discount by purchasing your ticket here: https://catalystleader.ticketspice.com/catalystatlanta2019?registrants.directLink=PODCAST



Do you have a Catalyst moment that has impacted your life? Please share it with us for a chance to be featured on the show. You can email us your story at [email protected]
