Metadata management has been a topic for a while now. Lately, the industry is pushing that metadata is a knowledge graph problem. What does metadata in a pre and post graph world look like?

Join Juan Sequeda and Tim Gasper with special guest Mohammad Syed, Head of Data Architecture & Engineering at Capco to chat about metadata and knowledge graphs.

Key Takeaways:

[00:06 - 02:40] Introduction & Cheers[02:43 - 03:55] What's your go-to karaoke song?[03:57 - 05:38] Metadata is a graph problem, yes or no?[05:55 - 08:23] What would we call metadata in a pre-graph world?[08:29 - 13:06] The biggest inflection point that has moved us collectively from a pre-graph world to a post-graph world[13:06 - 15:10] Use cases for metadata in finance[15:14 - 17:43] Different contexts in which you use data,[17:46 - 19:33] Metadata historically as a means of documentation[23:29 - 24:59] How we should be taking advantage of the graph structure[25:01 - 29:18] Applying basic graph techniques and algorithms to identify data use cases[28:11 - 30:30] The process of data governance and data protection[30:33 - 32:47] Outcomes of metadata graphs[33:04 - 35:19] Metadata management[35:26 - 39:59] How to get started with metadata mapping[40:05 - 43:30] Governance can't be living in an ivory tower[43:57 - 49:52] Lightning round[50:01 - 55:56] Takeaways[55:58 - 59:44] Three Questions