We are back with Episode 97 of Cat Crave Radio! The Julius Peppers Saga II: The Spurned Agent is now playing in theaters for the offseason. We have details and a few opinions. We also cover the promotion of Jeff Rodgers to Special Teams Coach.

We are honored this week to welcome quarterback Matt Moore to the show. At no time can we recall a more popular Panthers player. Matt talked to us about his desire to remain with the Panthers, the quarterback competition, Jake Delhomme and more. Don’t miss it!

Darin Gantt of the Rock Hill Herald was back. We talked at length about the most recent version of the Peppers saga, Jeff Rodgers and more, of course.

Nick Yeoman of You Tube provided his awesomeness once again to another Panther Preview, Boom Or Bust and Pick ‘Em – the Super Bowl Edition.

It’s all in the latest episode. Check it out and feel free to comment below.

Don’t forget to call! Call us on the CCR Hotline at 206-350-9673 and leave a message. We’ll play your thoughts on the show.