Episode 87 of Cat Crave Radio is here! The season continues to head in the wrong direction with tough defeats for the Carolina Panthers. The latest, a loss to the Miami Dolphins on Thursday night, leaves our team at 4-6 with a trip to New Jersey looming to play the New York Jets. We have complete reviews and previews.

Jason Cole of Yahoo! Sports joined us this week. We talked about a number of topics including John Fox, Marty Hurney and where the organization stands within the league.

Darin Gantt of the Rock Hill Herald stopped by for a conversation. This is one interview you don’t want to miss! Topic – Jeff Davidson. Can the team actually be thinking of Davidson as a potential head coaching candidate? We also talked about Dan Henning and I am still attempting to negotiate my betting debt.

Eric Quackenbush of Panther Coalition and Blitz Radio gave us his point of view in the Around the Web segment.

Nick Yeoman of You Tube was with us to provide the fans’ perspective in the Panther Preview. He also took part in another Boom Or Bust and Pick ‘Em.

There is a lot of frustration among Panthers fans as evidenced by the calls we received for the Sound Off segment.

It’s all in the latest episode. Check it out and feel free to comment below.

Oh, yeah, one more thing…you can now subscribe to our show on iTunes! And one more thing…give us a follow over on Twitter. And why not? One final thing…call us and leave a message on the Cat Crave Radio Hot Line at (206) 350-9673.

Thanks for listening! Enjoy!