We are back with Episode 85 of Cat Crave Radio! The loss to the New Orleans Saints puts our Carolina Panthers at 3-5 with the Atlanta Falcons coming to town. We have complete reviews and previews.

Darin Gantt of the Rock Hill Herald joined us for a discussion of the team – Jake Delhomme, Dwayne Jarrett and John Fox were among the topics. And I am still trying to get off as cheaply as I can on our bet.

With the Falcons heading for Charlotte this Sunday, we had to check in with our Enemy Sean McNally of Blogging Dirty. Sean is a die-hard Falcons fan who tells us what to expect from his favorite team.

There is another edition of Sound Off on tap as callers continue to dish out some frustration on Jake and Fox. And, for the first time, we have a crank caller. This one apparently came from a Saints fan. (It’s unedited so be warned that the kids may not need to hear this one!)

Nick Yeoman of You Tube was back for The Panther Preview, Boom Or Bust and Pick ‘Em. We are glad that Nick could bless us with his awesome-ness! (Check it out and you’ll see! There’s even a tribute to just how awesome he is included in the show. Ya’ gotta hear this one!)

Oh, yeah, one more thing…you can now subscribe to our show on iTunes! And one more thing…give us a follow over on Twitter. And why not? One final thing…call us and leave a message on the Cat Crave Radio Hot Line at (206) 350-9673.

Thanks for listening! Enjoy!