Cat Crave Radio is back with Episode 83! The loss on Sunday to the Buffalo Bills left the Carolina Panthers at 2-4 and unsure of who the starting quarterback would be this weekend versus Arizona. We have complete reviews, previews and analysis.

Our friend Tom Sorensen of the Charlotte Observer paid us a visit this week. Is all hope lost for this season? We discuss that along with John Fox and Jake Delhomme. Tom has been covering the team since day one and his insights are, as usual, invaluable.>

The Arizona Cardinals started this slide our Panthers are on and that’s who we face on Sunday. Scott Allen of Raising Zona representing The Enemy joined us to provide some inside info on the team from the desert.

We’ve been receiving quite a bit of voicemail this week so the Sound Off segment became awfully entertaining.

Nick Yeoman of You Tube came along for the ride again. Check out his thoughts on Panther Preview, Boom Or Bust and Pick ‘Em.

It’s all in the latest episode. Check it out and feel free to comment below.

Oh, yeah, one more thing…you can now subscribe to our show on iTunes! And one more thing…give us a follow over on Twitter. And why not? One final thing…call us and leave a message on the Cat Crave Radio Hot Line at (206) 350-9673.
Thanks for listening! Enjoy!