Episode 75 of Cat Crave Radio has arrived! What a week in Charlotte! The Carolina Panthers lose to Baltimore, cuts begin and then the unexpected – Jon and Mark Richardson resign. We have the details and more.

Once again this week we welcome Ross Tucker of SI.com and Sirius Satellite Radio. This conversation became very interesting. Some of the topics discussed include John Fox, Julius Peppers (it’s some unwritten rule that we have to talk about Julius in each episode) and training camp. This one’s certainly worth the listen.

And we changed things up this week. Nick Yeoman of You Tube fame was back with us to discuss the team, the front office changes and the cuts. The technical difficulties continue to dog us so we just went with a phone conversation.

NOTE: The Panthers hired a new team president after our show went to final production on Wednesday midday. His name is Danny Morrison.

Finally, and this may be hard to believe, but we close things out with what might amount to little but it’s worth the listen. Someone at ESPN said something less than flattering about Brett Favre!

It’s all in the show! Check it out and feel free to drop us a comment below.

Oh, yeah, one more thing…you can now subscribe to our show in iTunes! And one more thing…give us a follow over on Twitter.
Thanks for listening! Enjoy!