Cat Crave Radio has reached the milestone this week of Episode 100! And what a time for it – the very week that the Carolina Panthers decide not to place the franchise tag on Julius Peppers! So, The Pepp will walk. We have complete coverage and analysis.

Darin Gantt of the Charlotte Observer and the Rock Hill Herald was with us this week and spoke to us immediately after walking out of BofA Stadium to attend Marty Hurney’s press conference. Of course, Darin talked to us about what Hurney had to say about Julius, Thomas Davis‘ future with the team among a host of other topics. Darin was his normal effervescent self.

Also joining us this week was Ross Tucker of SI and Sirius Satellite Radio. Ross was nice enough to discuss a number of topics including Matt Moore, the CBA and more. Ross is always an excellent guest you don’t want to miss.

Nick Yeoman of You Tube fame continued his contributions this week as the fans’ perspective in a lengthy Panther Preview. This week we take a closer look at the wide receivers and tight ends. The grades are all in so we recap the entire process.