Ask any married person if their relationship is perfect...if they're being honest you'll hear something to the tune of "absolutely not."  Every relationship has its trials, and as many as 45% of relationships include some kind of infidelity.  


Lifestyle relationships are not immune to the allure of infidelity.  This week Mickey & Mallory examine the nature of "cheating," how it happens, and how it relates to lifestyle relationships.  We get honest about our experiences, and talk about some ways to avoid the pitfalls surrounding infidelity in ANY relationship.  Bonus:  In the Toybox this week we talk about strap-ons, the different styles of harnesses, and a single pro tip if your guy is into pegging.

New York Times - When a Partner Cheats

Great infographic on cheating -

Hernorm Infidelity Statistics

Why so many women cheat on their husbands

Casual Toys

Sportsheets - Boy Short Harness

Joque by SpareParts - Harness

Her Royal Harness - CalExotics

Rachals Rascals

Liberator - Bedroom Adventure Gear